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R290 chiller

R290 Hydrocarbon
Propane Chillers

GalxC offers a range of R290 hydrocarbon propane chillers for process cooling, manufacturing, HVAC and critical cooling low temperature applications. The refrigeration industry is continually evolving, constantly producing the challenge in keeping up with the ever tightening legislative pressures. Progressively, the core impact behind this initiative is due to the phase-out of HFC’s refrigerants, alongside the necessity to reduce energy costs.

High spec and reliable cooling.

GalxC high specification Hydrocarbon Chiller systems have proven to be a reliable and continuous cooling source, chiefly designed for critical operation applications. Robustly built, all have been successfully supplied and installed to date, with every plant operating efficiently within a critical cooling environment.  All GalxC Hydrocarbon Chiller installations have resulted in power cost savings. GalxC Hydrocarbon systems are designed to ensure the safe, efficient and effective use of hydrocarbons.


As environmental law and regulations are set to continue tightening, the impetus is growing to identify an alternative to the popular HFC refrigerant currently used in most refrigeration systems. A limited number of HFCs are currently available as refrigerants used within water chillers, inevitably the CO2, ammonia and hydrocarbon refrigerants are destined to become the leading mainstream replacements.

These three refrigerant options are cost-effective, efficient alternatives to HFCs and are perfectly safe for the environment, however the Hydrocarbon R290 has the edge!

GalxC R290 Chiller Range

GalxC supports environmental concerns.

The adverse effect of uninhibited greenhouse gas emissions impacting on the global climate has already been documented as the most serious threat to the environment and most likely to our own survival. Limiting the growth of HFCs usage will greatly increase the probability that we can achieve the emissions reductions that the scientific consensus say are necessary to stop climate change. To date, the Montreal Protocol has successfully managed to address the impending disaster of the last century by largely eliminating the use of ozone-depleting substances.


That same protocol and existing infrastructure can, and should, now be used to redress the use of HFCs. In the past 5 years GalxC have devoted its efforts to research and development, using Hydrocarbon R290 as the preferred future refrigerant within our GalxC R290 advanced chillers. Taking advantage of the latest technology available and contributing towards the Montreal Protocol’s ultimate success on achieving its target with the phase-down of HFCs.

industrial chiller installation

Easy Three
Step Process



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Our Technical Sales team will help get the information needed to give you a quote. This can be done by phone or email or we can provide a Free Site Survey



We will produce a detailed quote which includes technical specifications and prices for your requirements and some options for an enhanced solution

Why should we all be concerned?

A 0.5 deg. C of global warming (by 2100) can be prevented with the phase-down of HFCs; contributing to numerous environmental and economic benefits. Phasing out HFCs under the Montreal Project is by far the most important cost-effective and practicable measure required to limit a global average temperatures rising 2°C back to pre-industrial average temperatures. World leaders agreed to that level during the 2010 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Cancun, Mexico.

“The Montreal Protocol is perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date.”  According to former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan


Chillers and temperature control cooling equipment for industrial process and HVAC building services


GalxC offers a range of cooling  solutions from chillers to full turnkey project cooling installations


Service support 24/7 technical backup with maintenance, emergency repairs and call outs


Chiller and HVAC hire equipment and rental solutions are also available for long term lease

project planning


Call - 023 8086 7168

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 Our team of experts is always ready to help you with your temperature control requirements. With our commitment to innovation and excellence, you can trust us to deliver a solution that meets your unique requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our services and products and how we can help.

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